Can I Download Game From Playstation Store To My Ps4

How to download and store PS4 games and apps to an external HDD. Keep even more games at your fingertips with an external HDD for your PS4. By Rhys Sutheran. Content Producer, SIEE. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered and The Witness are your PlayStation Plus games for March. PlayStation Store's weekend discounts - Wolfenstein II. 5 days ago - On the PS4 Home Menu go to the PlayStation Store; Highlight and select. The game will begin downloading once the code is confirmed. The drive will be connected to the PS4 itself. You can only store game data, apps and DLC, this will also be tied to the PS4 itself, not the user, but you will still require the owner of the relevant content to be signed in when you play.

Can you delete a game purchased from the Playstation store then re-install without a subscription at a later date?

Cuan Cuan

2 Answers

If you delete a digital game that you have purchased through the PSN, you can redownload it from the store as long as you are logged into the account that purchased it initially. I constantly delete and redownload games depending on what I feel like playing, as I do not have enough storage space on my PS4 to hold all of the things I have purchased digitally, so I can confirm this myself.

As a side note, PS+ is never required to access content that you have purchased, however, content given for free as a bonus for being a Playstation+ member will expire if your subscription expires and you will lose access to it.

To see games that you own (downloaded or not), look at your library. It will have all of the software you have licenses for. See here:

Where to find your PlayStation Store purchases

Your most recently downloaded full games are added to the content launcher. If your purchase is not visible on the content launcher, you can find it in your [Library]. Your Library is arranged with all content grouped together, so if you have purchased DLC, go to the main title to find it.

Here is some confirmation of this:

Anything you've ever purchased is tied to your PSN account, so you can redownload any time you need.

There are several ways to re-download, but the easiest is to pull up your download history in the Store.

Here are the official Sony instructions on how to download digital copies of games.

How to download from the PS4 Library

  1. Select your local user account and go to [Library].
  2. Select the game or add-on you want to download (add-ons are in a ‘folder’ with the main title).
  3. Select ‘Download’ on the content screen.

Can I Download Game From Playstation Store To My Ps4 Account

As mentioned by Joe W, if the game has been removed from the store, you will not be able to re-download it once it has been deleted.


The only example I can think of like this is the Silent Hills demo P.T. that only a select number of users still have, since the demo was removed from the store and made unavailable for redownload.

  • Launch the PS Store
  • Go to the very bottom of the page
  • There should be a button saying 'Purchased'
  • Select it and pick game you want to download

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Posted by2 years ago

Bought a game but can't download

So I bought The Rise of The Tomb Raider on PSstore using my computer on 12.2.2016 and I can see it on my purchase history. I can add the game to my download queue but it only says Waiting and nothing comes up on my PlayStation. I can't see the game on my PlayStation Library or can't even find the game when I check PlayStation store on my PlayStation. It's only there on my computer. Sony said the problem is with my connection even though I told them I could download other games and apps just fine and play multiplayer and watch Netflix on my PlayStation. What should I do? That gave me portkeys to use but I have no idea how to do so and I actually don't want to call my internet provider because I feel like it's bullocks what they told me.

TL;DR: I bought a game and it's on my download list but it says waiting, I can't access the game in anyway on my PlayStation other than this game internet works good. What do I do?

Anyone had this problem? How did you deal with it?

GameCan i download game from playstation store to my ps4 download


Edit: Issue solved. It was about my PlayStation no longer being my primary device. Suspecting my account was stolen. The game is now downloading and account is being secured again.

Can I Download Game From Playstation Store To My Ps4 Account

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