Can You Log Into Steam Download Game Theft

Can you install a game from Steam to a different computer? You can install all your Steam games onto any computer that can log into Steam and run the game. And might not have to download.

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  4. Can You Log Into Steam Download Game Theft 5

Yesterday I purchased GTA V for the PC via Steam and downloaded it onto my laptop at work. When I got home to transfer the 65 GB worth of files to my main computer, I cleared up 65 GB of space on my SSD and have just enough room to fit those downloaded files onto a Steam folder that I created. However, Steam won't recognize the game as installed. I tried to click the 'Install' button for the game where it's currently pointed to the folder where I've copied all of this data, but after exiting Steam and opening it again, it's saying that there isn't enough room to install the game. I spent several hours looking up ways to solve this, but I haven't been able to so far.

Also, Is 65 GB enough space for this game, or will I need to clear up more room for it?

Edit: After following Ross's guide below, everything worked fine with the backup process!


3 Answers

You'll need 130 GB of space, maybe a bit more, to copy the files in the manner you describe. Steam first checks to see if you have enough free space to install the game, then it checks to see what files have already been copied to the machine. So you'll need 65 GB of space to store the copied files and additional 65GB of free space just so Steam won't refuse to 'download' and install the game.

Probably the easiest way to work around this problem to use Steam's own backup and restore functionality to copy the game between computers. You'll need 65GB of free space on your home computer, and 65GB of space somewhere else. If you happen have a big enough portable USB drive, either a portable hard drive or USB key, than that would be ideal. Otherwise you can use a folder on your main computer and share it over the network. To perform the backup right-click on the game in your library and select 'Backup Game Files...'. To do the restore select 'Backup and Restore Games...' from the 'Steam' menu at the top left of client. Make sure to delete the Grand Theft Auto V files you've already copied to the home computer first.

(I've more detail of the backup and restore process in another answer.)

If you have 130 GB of space free on different hard drive on your home computer you can also create a secondary Steam library folder there, copy the GTA V files to secondary library and then 'install' the game to that folder.

Ross RidgeRoss Ridge

You can do what Ross said, or if you have the WHOLE library folder with you, you can shut down steam and copy it over the on your current steam library. When you open steam, it should be there. (ps. You will need the GTA V folder ('SteamLibrarysteamappscommonGrand Theft Auto V') and the appmanifest_271590.acf file (SteamLibrarysteamappsappmanifest_271590.acf), if you don't have both, steam won't recognise it.)

Note: This is a bit harder than the other solution but this doesn't require 2x size.

Can You Log Into Steam Download Game Theft Pc

Note 2: I did this several times and it works.


I found another way, which is to to copy the game directory on 'Steamapps' » 'Common'. Just start installing the game and then pause (doesn't matter when) which will make Steam create a file named 'appmanifest_1234.acf' (number part will differ depending on the game) under the 'Steamapps' directory.

Open that file with a text editor and you will see there the game's name. Under that there's a line name 'StateFlags' '1026'. Change that number to '4', and voila! There you go, you complete the installation - simple as that.

Sample screenshot:

ersel idikersel idik

protected by CommunityMar 3 '18 at 20:15

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I have many games on Steam and many more I will buy, but I have a problem and I hope you can point me a solution.


When I download a game, is it possible to launch and play a single player game under Steam and continue downloading others games in the meanwhile?

Steam stops my download as soon as I launch any game, and I am looking for a way to prevent this.


5 Answers

Global option

You can now allow downloads during any gameplay from the downloads settings:

Per game option

You can now tell Steam to continue downloading updates/games while playing games from your games' properties. Note that this setting is not available for non-steam games, which will always use the global setting.


The way I do it is:

  1. Pause all of the downloads manually.
  2. Launch the game I want to play.
  3. Alt-Tab back to Steam window, resume all downloads manually.
  4. Alt-Tab back to the game and enjoy.

It seems that it only stops the download for you on launching a game. I have not found an 'official' way to do it, but this way works until they give us one.


Steam used to block all downloads as soon as you launched a game. However, there is no need for a workaround anymore, thanks to the new content system: when you download a game, it is possible to launch and play a single player game under Steam and continue downloading others games in the meanwhile.

Fixed downloading new update while game is still running

Reference: Steam client updates.

In addition, the new content system will allow us to build several new features that we’ve often heard requested. Upcoming client releases will include things like download scheduling, bandwidth throttling, and prioritizing which games get downloaded first. You’ll also be able to download an update to a game while you’re playing that game; Steam will apply the update after you exit the game.

Reference: Steam news.

Some people are talking about downloads being suspended, but I have never experienced this problem. I suggest choosing another server and trying again if this happens to you.

Apparently, a new feature is coming.

  1. While playing, hold Ctrl, Alt, and Del to go to pick a menu.
  2. Pick the 'Start Task Manager' then you can go to window.
  3. Open steam then resume the downloading then click the picture where you were playing.
  4. ENJOY!

After the game was started, you may also ALT-TAB back into steam, and then right-click and press 'Pause Download' (even though it says 'Paused' already), and then right-click and choose 'Resume Download'. I have noticed that some games do not pause your downloads, but most games do.



protected by CommunityAug 24 '11 at 15:51

Can You Log Into Steam Download Game Theft Free

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